Summer Breeze Hand Bouquet with Small Macarons by Ermine
The Summer Breeze Hand Bouquet with Small Macarons by Ermine is the perfect gift to dazzle someone special! This stunning bundle includes a gorgeous flower bouquet that will brighten up any space, along with a box of scrumptious Ermine's macarons that will satisfy any sweet tooth. Perfect for any occasion, this gift bundle is sure to impress and bring a smile to their face.
Gift Details:
- Flower arrangement includes: 10 Yellow Baby Roses, 10 Orange Baby Roses, 10 Fuchsia Baby Roses, 5 Solidago
- A box of 12 pieces of Ermine’s delicate macarons
- Flavors: pure dark chocolate, lemon with dark chocolate, raspberry with dark chocolate, mango with passion fruit, coffee with milk chocolate, and salted caramel with milk chocolate
- Allergens present: Gluten, Dairy, Eggs
- May contain traces of nuts, soy, and sesame
- Availability: Out of Stock
- SKU: joi-bundle-52645