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Joi Gifts - Art of Gifting

  • The Fatima - Sarb Floral Arrangement by Silsal
  • The Fatima - Sarb Floral Arrangement by Silsal
  • The Fatima - Sarb Floral Arrangement by Silsal

The Fatima - Sarb Floral Arrangement by Silsal

The Fatima - Sarb Floral Arrangement by Silsal is a gorgeous and unique gift, no matter the occasion. This stunning flower arrangement is presented in an elegant Silsal vase, making it a bright gift that will surely leave a lasting impression.

Gift Details:

  • 1 x Sarb Vase
  • 2 Pink Carnation
  • 4 Roses Light Pink
  • 1 Acacia Yellow
  • 2 Salix
  • 3 Trasillium Lavender
  • 2 Delphinium
  • If any substitution is necessary, it will reflect an equivalent or higher value of the original flower selection chosen by our florists.

  • Availability: Out of Stock
  • SKU: 8LVLC9904-JA-FLFA

Joi Gifts - The art of gifting