The Chic Pink Mini Flower Cupcake Bouquet from Sweet Celebrationz
Combining two of the best gifts of all time together; flowers and cupcakes in one gift! Send this The Chic Pink Mini Flower Cupcake Bouquet from Sweet Celebrationz and brighten up a loved one's day.
Gift Details:
- A bouquet of 10 Mini & 15 mini flower cupcakes. The cupcakes are a mixture of chocolate and Vanilla flavour.
- Please be advised that food prepared here may contain, milk, egg, wheat, soy, peanuts, tree nuts.
- Please be mindful of all non-edible things and decorations from cakes that could be used for decoration or modeling including wooden toothpicks, bamboo sticks and plastic accessories.
- Availability: Out of Stock
- SKU: joi45094-dubai